Before Meeting
- Socializing, casual conversations, etc.
Meeting Commences
- Saturday 3pm, punctual, at set time?
- Close door but leave unlocked
- Formal announcement that meeting is in session
- Reminder that the 1Cor 14:26-40 rules are now active
- Reading of 1Cor 14:26-40
Meeting in Session
- Prayers, reading of the Word, waiting on God until men are ready to share
- Men taking turns exercising gifts of 1Cor 12-14 which includes teaching, singing, administering gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophesying, giving announcements, testimonies, etc.
- “Let the others judge”: Teachings, etc., contrary to the Statement of Faith are identified, avoided and corrected. (Perhaps objections to Statement of Faith could be raised through questions that a teacher would answer).
Serving of the Lord’s Supper
- about 4pm, one hour after start, punctual, set time?
- Wash hands at table with towel handy
- Unleavened bread and fruit of the vine, one bread that is broken and distributed after giving thanks, one cup that is poured into individual cups (instead of individual mouths) after giving thanks
- Relevant exhortations, readings
Meeting Continues
- People can leave as needed but meeting continues
- So that every man has his time to present
- So that men’s questions can be answered
Meeting Concludes
- Announcement
- Closing prayer, song, benediction, etc.
- Invitation to leave with dignity or remain for casual socializing, meal together, etc.
After Meeting
- Socializing
- Meal together
- Etc.
- Disperse